Spring is in the air!

Hope and Dasiy

Hope and Daisy May.


by A.A. Milne

She wore her yellow sun-bonnet,
She wore her greenest gown;
She turned to the south wind
And curtsied up and down.
She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbour:
“Winter is dead.”

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Above: Timmy and Dad’s brother, Uncle Alain getting ready to move the chickens.

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Above: John David enjoys standing in the feed can and giving tiny handfuls of alfalfa to the sweet cows.   They love him!

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Above: Pretty Daisy!

I have been blessed

song: author unknown.

“When He moves among us, all that he dos, all of his goodness, and all of his love;

if the pen of the writer could write every day, even this world could never contain how I have been blessed.

The warmth in the winter the flowers  of spring, the laughter in summer; and the changing of leaves, oh I have been blessed!…”

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Above:  Clover,  one of the  sweet healthy heifers.

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Above: Kefir and Honey, two of our wonderful cows


Above: Timmy enjoying the water!

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Spring is in the air!

by Sheila Fuhrmann

It’s what chases off the cold,

It’s the season of new birth;

It makes the colors bold,

And brings life from dismal earth.

All earth is full of light,

And grows without a care;

Life  sing with all your might,

For… spring is in the air!

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 May our God richly bless you all as you enter this beautiful season!

wishing you a…


With love from the team at ‘Our Father’s Farm’ 

Jack & Kim









and John David

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Posted by Sheila


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