February Farm Update

We had our Annual Farm and Family planning meeting in the end of January. It is always a great time of sharing and reviewing. We are hoping that we can implement some of the new things discussed and praying for a fruitful 2019!

January was full of Snow, ice, and frost!

Welcome to the world little calf!

Below is a true story written by Farm Boy Danny.

The Fall

One day Bill was working with his big brother Bob at a rental farm. They had been moving the cows into their field and finally had finished. They now needed to pump water out of a pond into a big yellow tank on a trailer. So bill got on the trailer and had to hold the hose that was coming from the pump while Bob pumped. There was a smaller trough next to it, so when he was done filling up the yellow tank, he moved the hose to the small trough but the hose couldn’t reach far enough. So Bill moved one step more only to slip and fall head first. Thankfully his boot got snagged on a nail and he was dangling in the air of the side of the trailer. Bob came over and un-snagged him and set him on the ground and they got in the truck and went to their house.

The End