We are excited to announce… |
We are starting a second herd of cattle that we are calling the “Hermosa Herd”. This herd is managed by an experienced Amish family that lives just down the road from us on Hermosa Rd in Gretna, VA. This means that you, your family, and friends now can have access to wonderful Our Father’s Farm raw dairy from all grass, A2A2 cows. The long wait and waiting list is now over! We are offering two pickup locations (more days and options added soon) Tap Roots on Forest Rd in Forest VA on Wednesday Our Father’s Farm store in Gretna VA on Wednesday (no delivery fee)!The milk will be delivered in plastic jugs only. But there are several other dairy products they are offering as well, cheeses, heavy cream, yogurt etc. Click on the link below Or you can call us on the phone or come to the farm to sign up. |